The latest additions add to a long list of health signals that may act as warning signs of the disease, many of which affect patients in different combinations and different levels of severity. The CDC also warns that symptoms may show up anywhere from two to 14 days after a patient is exposed to the virus. The addition of the stomach-related symptoms is significant in helping patients better understand what they’re actually dealing with—and these symptoms are more common than you think. In a May study published in the The British Medical Journal of 20,133 individuals with COVID-19, researchers found that just under 15 percent of patients experience nausea and diarrhea.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb The news marks the first time since April that the CDC has altered its symptoms list. At that time, they added six new COVID-19 symptoms including chills, sore throat, muscle pain, and the now-infamous anosmia (the loss of taste and smell). These newly included maladies may help anyone who’s infected with COVID-19 realize they’re sick with something other than the stomach flu or a potential mild cold. RELATED: For more up-to-date information, sign up for our daily newsletter. Still, the CDC warns that its elongated list may not include all potential side effects. “This list does not include all possible symptoms,” they write. “CDC will continue to update this list as we learn more about COVID-19.” So how do you know when to seek medical attention for your potential COVID-19 symptoms? According to the CDC’s website, troubled breathing, persistent chest pain, confusion, intense fatigue or inability to stay awake, and bluish face and lips are signs you should call 911 and seek medical care immediately. And for more on the potential permanent health issues related to COVID-19, check out The Coronavirus Symptoms You May Have Forever.